Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Post-baby #'s & the Sisterhood of MOMS

Lately (say, the last 3yrs/give or take 9 mos.), getting ready for 'nicer' social events in my life involves the inevitable search in my closet for something to wear and the ultimate realization that: 1. yes, I am wearing maternity pants - because they fit & are nice pants...even though at this point my 'baby' is well over a year old AND 2. aaarrrgghh, I really have nothing nice to wear that fits me because all I wear are t-shirts and casual shorts/pants.

Being a SAHM, I don't often have 'nicer' events (no business/work related events that my casual wardrobe won't accommodate), but when I do - the same tortuous internal-conversation... external-closet search goes down. And, if I tell you I recently lost almost 20lbs & am, sadly, lower than my pre-pregnancy weight...alas, still NOTHING 'good' fits. I can't bring myself to spend the time or money to get 'nicer' stuff that fits because 1. Diapers aren't free & 2. I am on a diet and my not-so-secret hope of hopes is to get into and past the current 'nicer' clothes in my closet. So I will continue to try to live healthier and hopeful that my efforts will payoff in my closet.

The 'nicer' event... one of my girlfriend's baby shower. So it was a great rainy afternoon, sharing tea & stories, at a table of some of the most amazing women I have ever known. We are a group who met through our babies. All of us and our 1st babies took classes at Nova Southeastern University's Parenting Place, and formed a common bond with each other through theses classes. Brief aside, they have a free class for 1st timers "Your Amazing Newborn" that rocks - the paid class - "Baby Rocks & Rolls" with Miss Sue is awesome, and, obviously - these shared experiences can lead to a great playgroup and girlfriends.

My wish for every first time mom is that they get involved in some kind of mommy fellowship and meet other 1st time moms to grow and evolve with - if you are in a group, class & like some of the parents... get together for a playgroup/playdate - its just that easy.

In our group, we have our 1st timer kids, some siblings, some on the way, some hoped for, some who've moved away, too!!! But we have the unique, irreplaceable experience of being first timers together - and that ongoing life that we lead - we are leading it together. I treasure these women and their sisterhood, and feel I am a better parent for the gift of these friendships.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. I'm sure all of my professional-looking clothes are outdated or don't fit. And other than sneakers or hiking boots, I don't even know if I own a pair of closed-toe shoes!

    I agree that moms should find another group of moms or at least a couple of other friends who are moms. It really helps.
