Sunday, August 9, 2009

Kids cliches and other 'neato' sources of lexicon

So I have figured out, again, that children provide some of the most interesting sources for catchphrases... like "Poop or get off the Pot". (Clearly, "Poop" is often replaced with another synonym - but since this is a family show... I'll just stick with POOP.)

Well, anyone who has tried to potty train a toddler knows exactly the source of the aforementioned phrase. Really, I mean really, I am pretty patient but sometimes waiting hours for my oldest to 'make' #2 on the potty is like watching paint dry. [BTW - #1 is going really really well!!!]

It is sheer folly to give up and undertake another task (i.e. put him back in underwear and try going somewhere) - because inevitably he will find the 5 seconds when I am not watching his every move and --- well, have his move(ment). Right there in the underwear. His alert phrase for this action... "Mommy, I smell poops!"

And, yes, yes, I've tried other methods - i.e. prompting him at intervals. Repeatedly going through the motions after accidents. Bribery, stickers, praise. Time, it just takes time - i guess.

This reminds me of another child-borne cliche: "Don't cry over spilt milk." Which I took great issue with at the time I was pumping 6x-day for my first born. Hmmm. Could they be related?


  1. Sigh, we tried again a few weeks ago and gave up. It was too much having a newborn in the house and a toddler who didn't mind using the floor as he toilet.

  2. Hey, TIFF. Check out my blog. There's a good surprise for you. =)
