You don't appreciate the effort when it comes so easily (and repetitively) mommy mommy mommy - mama mama mama - MOOOOOOMMMM! But when the 2nd birthday comes & goes and when no close approximation comes your have to get some help. FAST.
Accordingly, over my hiatus I have kept myself pretty busy. At about 7-8 months preggers with #3, I came to the realization that #2 Son, who was turning 2, was really really really delayed in his language development. I know, "How can that be?" I already had one son - and knew what-ish to expect, when re: language development. And I was suppressing the GUT FEELING (for at least 6mos.) that he should be saying more especially with the loving, well-meaning voices around me who said things like "He's a late talker" "All kids develop at their own rate" "His brother talks for him, he doesn't need to say anything". Well that was all bunk as my MAMA GUT already knew.
While in my whale-ish state we were referred to several highly recommended and uber-qualified professionals (private & state provided) who confirmed that #2 son was more than just a "late-talker".
He has been attending and receiving speech therapy 3-4x week since February. It was an amazing day a couple of months into therapy when I heard "mama", and then "mommy". Now there is more and more language coming my way - and he is making great (i'm told by his therapists "AMAZING") strides. And these days when I hear my name "mommy" repeated over and over and any of my kids...I stop short of getting upset and think how lucky I am they know my name & can call me.
There are so many moms who I know ignore the GUT (maybe my kid is delayed, different, not developing) ...and many (in this economy / or otherwise) who think they can't afford any therapies - let me scream it from the rooftops - the STATE provides excellent FREE services through the "Early Steps" program for 0-3yr. olds who qualify. Regardless of financial status. We adore #2's therapist through Early Steps, like family to us, and she has enjoyed this journey and progresses with us. We also have retained a private speech-language pathologist (also like family), and she too is enjoying the fruits of our labors working on #2's emerging language.
For more information for Early Steps in Broward Co. call FDLRS/ChildFind 754-321-2204. The screening takes place at & services are coordinated through the Children's Diagnostic & Treatment Center in Ft. Lauderdale. The earlier the intervention, the better - and don't ignore your mama gut.
Sweet! I love hearing that too. Glad you have been able to get excellent speech therapy for your son.