Monday, November 8, 2010

Glass (broken) in my Minivan...

Well, S. Fla - you got me. My number was up. I was the "victim" of a smash and grab at a kids Halloween party a couple of weeks ago.

Of course, I did all the stupid stuff. Was in a hurry. Parked at the end of a line of cars in a parking lot. (Made it real easy for the thieves.) Didn't check to see that all of the bags were stashed in an unseen area of the van.

And so - in a few moments - my front passenger window was smashed and my mom's friend's purse (she's from the low-country in South Carolina - so why would she even know) GONE.

When we returned to the car 30min later (needed to leave the party early) --- there it was...Glass in & out of my minivan. The nice maintenance guy at the park had already called the police and was superbly nice in helping us get the majority of glass out of the car & getting us on the road.

Got the letter today that the local authorities are "no longer proceeding with this matter", all that they got was a smudged palm print. Up sides for me...(there are some)...
* nice clear window on the front passenger door
* personal reminder to take a few moments and check the car before leaving
*** experienced there are still some really nice people in S.Fla who help out in a crisis:
  1. nice park guy who was very empathetic & cleaned up 98% of the visible glass and gave us garbage bags for the window, seats, etc...
  2. nice officer who took the time with #1son and let him 'help' with the investigation - even giving him gloves for the fingerprinting!


  1. Poor minivan. =/ Have you replaced your broken car windows? Well, there are many ways to secure your car. One is putting a working car alarm. Also, you can use a steering or gear stick lock so thieves won't be able to turn the steering wheel or move the gear stick. And do not leave valuable things inside your car. That would make your car less appealing to thieves.

    --Laurence Modithre

  2. Nice one, Laurence, for talking about car security. I guess the cheapest way to keep your car away from burglar attack, Sandy, is to just avoid leaving any valuable inside the car. Let’s just be grateful no one was inside when the misdeed happened. We surely all learned something from this.

    Timmy Radloff

  3. Well, let’s just look at the bright side, no one got hurt, but there are lessons to be learned though. It’s really essential to still take into consideration the surrounding neighborhood when you park in a very unfamiliar place. Check whether it’s safe or not by being aware (and not paranoid) of your surroundings at all times, and securing all our valuables before leaving the vehicle.

    Ivo Beutler

  4. Well, I've been in same situation like you, Sandy. I learned my lesson after that incident, and now I always seek a safe place to park. I also put anti-theft devices such as steering wheel locks so that it won’t move even if the thief manages to get in my car. Timmy is right too! It would be great if you don’t leave your valuables inside your car. Most of the time, these are the targets of those robbers, so might as well bring your valuables with you.

    Stelle Courney

  5. I feel sorry for what happened, even if it happened two years ago. Too bad that the burglars were too quick for the authorities to catch them. Although you do admit it’s partly your fault, the parking lot's security personnel should be held liable too because it was their duty to keep watch of your vehicle. Nevertheless, it's a learning experience for you, and I hope it never happens again to anyone.

    Joshua Turner
