Monday, June 8, 2009

Okay, rating playgrounds not an ORIGINAL idea - but lots of room for improvement

Well sure, when you look hard enough - you might just find what you are looking for... I found a site - KaBOOM which is a non-profit that helps save/build playgrounds - it also has a "Playspace Finder" which is an awesome theoretical idea that is (unfortunately) woefully inadequate for S.Fla. [Only has public schools and very few parks for my general 20mi. radius]. And, KaBOOM is currently trying to add 100,000 playspace listings in 100 days (ends at the end of June!) - and apparently they will raise $100,000 in the process.
So, I'm not entirely wrong - this site is still in desparate need of the S.Fla. hookup for playgrounds. I will do my part, I have joined KaBOOM, and I will add my playground listings... but, to borrow from U2 "I still haven't found what I'm looking for" in terms of local playground info. - so I will do it myself!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I'd love to hear how you rate local playgrounds. has photos of Broward County playgrounds, but I don't think they're necessarily rated.

    Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog!
